3 Ways Panasonic Tablets are Transforming the Mobile Workforce
The explosion of tablets onto the technology scene has enabled mobile workforces worldwide to access a host of useful features usually confined to the desktop, on the go.
Everything from order fulfilment for supermarkets to logging repairs for breakdown services providers is now benefitting from improved efficiencies as a result.
One supplier fuelling the mobile workforce with innovative technology is our partner Panasonic, whose TOUGHBOOK solutions deliver high performance computing that works even in the harshest conditions.
Here’s 3 ways Panasonic TOUGHBOOK tablets are transforming the mobile workforce:
1. The ability to take your technology to places previously untrodden
There may have been a time where field workers chose to leave their mobile devices behind for fear of it falling foul of challenging conditions.
Thanks to Panasonic’s TOUGHBOOK technology, those days are now a thing of the past. With rigorous testing to military standards, IP-rated water and dust protection and drop testing to as high as 1.87 metres, field professionals can transport TOUGHBOOKS with confidence knowing they are equipped to take whatever the elements throw at them.
With the addition of outdoor-readable screens and 10-finger multi-touchscreens for ease of use in bright conditions (even when wearing gloves), these innovations perform exactly as you need them to, whenever you need them to.
2. The ability to work faster and better, for longer
There’s nothing worse than being out in the field and having your battery die on you, at best disrupting the rest of your day, at worst losing important customer or business documentation.
The people at Panasonic feel your pain, and have specified their toughpad range with eight hour batteries – as well as hot swap and warm swap battery options – to give businesses the power they need to work through a full shift – reliably and without comprise.
World-class connectivity provides mobile teams with continued and reliable access to the information they need, when they need it.
Through the inclusion of additional ports and innovative features like thermal imaging cameras, barcode readers and Intel’s RealSense 3D measuring solution, the TOUGHBOOK range is configurable to suit the exact needs of mobile applications.
3. The ability to save money (yes, really!)
For businesses, there will always be the temptation to spend small on commercial devices in the hope that they perform suitably and last the duration. While rugged devices can seem slightly more expensive initially, the through-life cost savings made from deploying rugged technology can be substantial.
By scrimping on the initial outlay for hardware, businesses leave themselves open to device breakage or failure when exposing the consumer technology to challenging working conditions.
Rugged devices like TOUGHBOOKS work harder and for far longer than consumer technology, eliminating the costly need to replace or upgrade estates frequently.
But rugged devices may not always be as rugged as they seem. Some manufacturers have been proven to be misleading the public by offering devices with names and certifications sounding rugged without them being fit for purpose.
Independent research carried out by Opinion Matters and commissioned by Panasonic found that 69 per cent of buyers believed or expected the terms MIL-STD and tested to MIL-STD to be a consistent measurement, when in fact, they are not.
The same research showed that 88 per cent of people said the ruggedness of their devices was fairly to very important to their business. With the evident confusion around levels of ruggedisation but the vital importance of it to business operations, getting it wrong occurs frequently and it comes at a cost.
The solution? Investing in proven devices like Panasonic TOUGHBOOKS to improve reliability and lower through-life costs.
Panasonic TOUGHBOOK solutions are changing how and where mobile workforces operate. By delivering ultra-tough hardware in a compact, lightweight form factor and combining that with a range of handy functionalities, field service professionals are dramatically enhancing their productivity while making huge cost savings.
To learn more about Panasonic’s TOUGHBOOK tablets click here.