Smart Edge & IoT - Capabilities

Expert engineers, here to support you

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Captec is recognised for innovation, value, professionalism, quality, reliability and technical excellence. These values are embedded within our DNA. They are what define us, and are what our customers have come to expect of us.

Speak to Captec for

  • Multi-disciplinary standards-based engineering
  • End-to-end design-to-manufacture capabilities
  • Scalable manufacturing partnerships
  • Sector specific knowledge and expertise
  • COTS & value-added component integration
  • Single source supply and vendor reduction management
  • Competitive cost modelling
  • Compliance and certification to international standards
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Here to support your critical projects

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We understand that your projects are critically important to building industry, protecting our environments and people, and providing a happier and healthier place to live. We aim to work harder than anybody else to support your projects and keep your applications running, anywhere.

By engaging early in your projects, our skilled engineers gain a complete understanding of your application and requirements, enabling them to fully manage the whole process from specification, design, documentation and validation to manufacturing and delivery, taking care of everything while you focus on your critical business.